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About Us


Who we are as an Organization:

“Hindufy.Me” is an initiative of the parent company named “Sanatkumara eServices” which is registered with the MSME. The parent company envisions to be an institution providing educational services through the digital media. One such endeavour is to spread knowledge as an initiative to promote the ‘Sanatana Dharma’ which is also called as ‘Hinduism’. That endeavour is undertaken through this website Hindufy.Me

Who we are as a Sentient Entity:

In our scriptures, it has been said that one shouldn’t speak about oneself through one’s own mouth. Hence, this is the most difficult piece to pen down. However, for a general understanding, we would present a high-level outline of our journey. We would however want the customer Testimonials to talk about us more. For that, we are trying our best to bring the best products. This is a humble beginning but we’re sure that in the years to come, we would make a good impression in the lives of seekers of knowledge related to Hinduism.

Our Journey: 

It is about a journey spanning 2 decades of learning, exploring, unlearning the misinterpretations and rewriting the mind with the right meanings. It is a journey which has no end. The more we learn the great truths revealed in scriptures, the more we see things pending to be learnt. It is an ocean and hence one can never claim oneself to be the knower of everything. That’s why we consider ourselves as eternal pupils not the masters! Maybe there were some remnant good deeds, done in the past births, which paid off in this life, and we could come across the authoritative discourses of Traditional Teachers. Their discourses not only annihilated all the mighty doubts that used to trouble our minds, but also helped us understand the true depths of Hinduism where the real meanings are kept hidden. We are eternally grateful to our Guru-s! By choice we have offered our loyalty to the traditional meanings not due to blind faith but because of having practically witnessed several modern objections being annihilated by the answers present in the traditional knowledge. That’s why we are purists! We have seen the power of real knowledge!

 Our Principles:

 We do not work to appease the world of rationalists and liberals to gain overnight stardom and fan-following at the cost of damaging the fabric of knowledge gifted by our ancient sages. We are purists, and are against fanciful imaginations, fictionalising the ancient Histories, and rationalisation the events of the scriptural stories. 

What Problems we want to tackle?:

In other religions, even the children remain aware of their texts and teachings, but in Hinduism, though every household would have at least the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ at the minimum, yet 90% of Hindus wouldn’t even have opened that book at all. 

  • Ask any random person to name the Eighteen Purana-s, we would witness their blank faces with eyes looking into the sky.
  • Ask people the name of Shri Rama’s father, they would be able to tell, but then ask about the name of his grand father, 90% of them would go mute.

Such is the sad state of affairs of Hindus. Taking advantage of such deep levels of ignorance, several entities have been exploiting the Hindus. To a person ignorant about some subject it is easy to spin any cock and bull story and fool them. That’s how we have been fed with so many lies making us doubt about our own ancient civilization. The fake Aryan Invasion theory ruled our folks for centuries and made them feel doubtful about their own great origins, then we have seen numerous Indologists destroying the original histories and fabricating lies to brainwash us against our own great heritage. The examples of exploitation are numerous to cite. Fortunately, the times are changing and due to the efforts of several righteous spirited Indian scholars the false narratives and propaganda are debunked to large extents. 

However, the one problem that still stands erect is the deficient knowledge of our shAstra-s. That’s where we need efforts from people who have learnt scriptures from traditional schools to step in and in their respective capacities, try to spread the right knowledge in the way they can. 

What are We here going to do?:

Here, we neither claim to be the sole upholders of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ nor trying to be a Superheroes. All we’re doing here is to do the right thing within the limits of our capabilities, trying to share with others whatever thing or two we know.

Learnings should keep flowing onwards. We would slowly and steadily build a great repository of well-researched knowledge here in the form of various types of media. We are going to bring finest research content on various topics of Hinduism and offer them in the form of E-books, Recorded Video sessions, Audio tracks, Articles, and maybe in other formats as appropriate. We want to explore the knowledge of Hinduism right from the fundamentals to the most advanced concepts and present them here. That would be our gift for the upcoming generations. We would still emphasize the fact that we aren’t the masters, yet as perpetual learners, we want to help our fellow seekers to walk the path in company. 

Allow us to share whatever little we know, and together we would achieve the goals that we envision for a glorious destination called emancipation. Request the consumers of our works to kindly share their genuine/honest reviews so that it would help us to (1) Continue the good, and (2) Improve upon the shortcomings. Also, customer reviews would help other fellow customers to make better informed decisions. 

Thanking You!

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