ĀGNEYĀSTRAṂ: Setting the Khāṇḍava forest ablaze! (Kindle Edition) –
This book is a ‘Refutational Commentary’, primarily focused on defending Mahābhārata! There are certain things wrong in the world of academic studies of Hindu scriptures, perpetrated by the giants of high influence, and proliferated by the people with agendas. Innocents get misguided in the end. In this work, such topics are dealt which need someone to call a spade a spade. This work will follow the traditional ‘pūrvapakṣa’ and ‘siddhānta’ model of ‘refutational commentary’.
The wrongs perpetrated by the distorters of the epic, cannot be undone since one doesn’t have the ability to time-travel. But now our responsibility is to protect the gullible upcoming generations of readers from falling into their trap and getting misguided. So far there hasn’t been any defense on Mahābhārata from the ‘Traditional’ side regarding the attacks that were made. Hence, this work offers a ‘defense’ to the Traditional meaning
In this book, using the right meanings, referring to the Saṃskṛta text, and supported by the power of traditional explanations as learnt from various discourses of greatest traditional teachers, together with learnings of other scriptures, the attempt has been made to dispel the dark clouds created by the modern thinkers. It would be shown that there is no room for fanciful imaginations, and colorful reinterpretations.
Watching the – ‘duranvaya-s’, and ‘dūrānvaya-s’ for years had finally inspired the author from within to clarify the misunderstood topics with traditional explanation. It was also felt necessary to address some popular misconceptions and misinterpretations around the other areas of Hinduism which aren’t strictly related to Mahābhārata. Therefore, in this work, though the major focus would be on Mahābhārata, very few chapters would go beyond to other topics as well.
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