
BHĀRATA – Everything You Should Know About!


When we build a house, the first thing that should be strong is the foundation. Likewise, to understand Hinduism we should start from where we stand, that is, the land where we are born. Understanding Bharatavarsha is the first thing to learn in Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma! This book “BHĀRATA – Everything You Should Know About!” is a comprehensive essay explaining entire glory of our land.

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BHĀRATA – Everything You Should Know About!


When we build a house, the first thing that should be strong is the foundation. Likewise, to understand Hinduism we should start from where we stand, that is, the land where we are born. Understanding Bharatavarsha is the first thing to learn in Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma!

This Book is a comprehensive essay which endeavors to teach everything about the greatness and glory of Bhāratavarsha or Bhārata i.e., India. Equipped with numerous citations of direct scriptural verses, it gives a detailed explanation on how Bhārata Desha is spiritually superior land on Earth and shows why getting birth here itself is a great benediction.


#1. Introduction
#2. Origin of India’s name ‘Bhārata‘
#3. The Deepest Meaning Of The Name ̳Bhārata‘
#4. Bhāratavarṣa as the ̳Karmabhūmi‘
#5. Converting Non-Vedic lands to Vedic
#6. The ‘Kula Parvata-s’ And The Sacred Rivers
#7. Worshiping India as ̳Bhāratamātā‘ – Ancient Origins!
#8. Concluding Words

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